Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

тыңдаушыларға оқу үшін ұсынылатын әдебиеттер (кітаптарды онлайн оқи аласыз)

Мұқағали Мақатаев. Аманат


Mukagali Makataev is a master of artistic words in Kazakh poetry. In 2000, the collection of poems «Amanat» was awarded the State Prize.https://adebiportal.kz/kz/books/view/3504

Бауржан Бабажанұлы. Ниетқабыл


The collection mainly includes ballads, poetries and poems of recent years, praising the people, land, native language, the fate of the nation, the future generation. https://adebiportal.kz/kz/books/view/3367

Дархан Қыдырәлі. Мұстафа


This work is made up of new documents telling about the life of public figure Mustafa Shokai, who devoted his short life in the name of his people, for the independence of Turkestan. https://adebiportal.kz/kz/books/view/2788

Альберт Камю. Оба. Роман


This work leads the reader to the Algerian region. The city of Oran, covered in a cloud of pollen, in the center of the light wind is described as gray, lifeless. Dr. Rie organizes protection of the city from unforeseen epidemics.