Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

тыңдаушыларға оқу үшін ұсынылатын әдебиеттер (кітаптарды онлайн оқи аласыз)

Жунус Ибраев. История одной книги. Бауыржан Момышулы.


The story published front-line diaries, letters and speeches of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, reflecting his participation in the creation of works by Alexander Beck «Volokolamsk highway».

Nick Vujicic. Life without limits. The way to a stunningly life of happiness


This book is about how you can overcome all difficulties, believe in yourself and become happy.

Anthony Robbins. Awaken the giant within


The book tells about the most effective strategies and specific techniques, using which each person can take control of their feelings and emotions, physical health, finances, relationships with others in order, to curb all the forces that play his life and destiny. For a wide range of readers.

Tyurvald Yu. Century of criminalistics


World’s best-selling German writer Yurg-na Tyurvald. It’s a science detective, or a science detective story. Based on reliable facts, a fascinating story about the dramatic history of the emergence and development of criminalistics is illustrated by examples of investigations of specific criminal cases.

Ілияс Есенберлин. Көшпенділер


In the works of Ilyas Yesenberlin the main place is occupied by the trilogy «Nomads».  The trilogy testifies that in history there were no «disappearances» that in all centuries the Kazakh people lived and worked on their ancient earth. www.adebiportal.kz