Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Editorial and publishing activities

The main tasks of the editorial and publishing activities of the Institute are:

  • Preparation and release of educational, educational and methodological and scientific materials necessary to ensure the educational process of the university and the practical activities of the units and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Propagation and distribution of editions of the university in educational institutions and practical bodies of internal affairs.

The Institute produces and publishes the following printed publications:

  • Monographs, teaching aids (educational methodological, educational-visual, teaching aids), workshops, courses of lectures on all disciplines (courses) of curricula;
  • Methodological materials and educational and methodological documentation for the provision of educational process (working curricula, methodical guides, recommendations, developments, instructions for studying or teaching the academic discipline (course) or part of it);
  • Thematic collections of scientific works of the faculty, staff of the Institute, students;
  • Materials of scientific, scientific-practical and methodical conferences, collections, meetings, round tables and seminars, including those held jointly with other educational institutions and state bodies;
  • Reference, information and other printed products.