Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Involvement of a practical worker for students of special initial education


On April 18, 2018, practical training of trainers with students of special initial training (through the road patrol service) during off-hour time was conducted by the inspector of the traffic police department of Astana city, police lieutenant Khamitov N.B., currently undergoing training courses qualifications in our institute.

In the lesson, police lieutenant Khamitov N.B., shared his practical skills, knowledge related to professional activities. The rules of regulation of the intersection with special devices and patrol vehicles were demonstrated. In the course of the lessons, the novelties introduced into legislative acts directly related to this service were told in detail. The actions of the internal affairs employees in the event of natural disasters and the introduction of special plans, interaction with other divisions of police services, the population and the media on the issues of public order and public security and the possibility of using the bases of professional communication and conflict resolution in the activities of the police employees of traffic police.

So, for example, there were actively discussed questions about the existing gaps in laws, orders and instructions related to the implementation of norms in practice, and what are their causes, which articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan were changed, and recommendations for improvement activity of road patrol service.


The instructor-methodologist FPiDO

captain of the police

Inzhilisova G.S.