Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Continuity of the past and present


Saying goodbye to the hot winter, we met with cheerful, warm days of spring. At this time of year, all people are usually in a state of impotence. But life does not pay attention to all these little things. We are in constant movement, development, growth, prosperity, etc. Having celebrated the first holidays of spring, the days fly by day. Everything went as planned. One of them and the most important event was the celebration on March 17 of this year of the festive event called “The Kazakh language is my native language”, organized to raise the native language, increase the privileges of the Kazakh language and expand the use of the 1st year students of the Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Named after M. Bukenbaev under the guidance of the course officer of the police major N.N. Kazhygaliyev and the police captain Eltaev S. In the above-mentioned event almost all the students participated. Everyone knows how difficult it was to reach the current level of the Kazakh language. Leaving behind several centuries, the Kazakh language passed a hard thorny path, and collected 42 letters in itself. And Kazakh scientists, after going through many blows of fate, devoted their entire lives to the formation of the Kazakh alphabet. Patriot of the nation Ahmet Baitursynov is one of those who invested a lot of work in this matter. He first created horizontal writing. Before the appearance of horizontal writing, the Kazakhs did not have their own written language. The present Kazakh letters originated from horizontal writing. The main objectives of the event were acquaintance of the younger generation with the past of the Kazakh language, the introduction of facts from their history into their minds. In this event cadets showed themselves from all sides. Prestigiousness was given to the event by Kazakh patriotic songs, organic kuris of Kurmangazy, dance of Kara Zhorga, Words of edification of the Great Abay, owner of the highest level of oratory, dedicated to creating a heritage for the future generation of his nation, the greatest representative of Narynkol, the work and prose of Alatau Mukagali, Patriot of the nation Mukhtar Shakhanov and other prominent poets of Kazakh literature, as well as a mini-sketch of talented and capable cadets “Dignity of the native land.” At the end of the festive event, the assistant to the head of the institute for the combat unit, the police colonel K. Manapbaev highly appreciated the level of organization of the cadets, wished them to reap the fruits of their labors, to be the first to study, to achieve great success at work. And he also emphasized that in the future cadets supported this level in studies, in creativity, and continue to show their activity in the social life of the institute. The event ended with the song “Atameken” performed by the choir of cadets, which became a tradition of such events.

Maybe this is the greatness of the song ?! At the sound of the song “Atameken” it is impossible not to imagine the boundless Kazakh steppe, eagle and eagle flying independently over the expanses of the Kazakh land. The festive event gave the audience a lot of good emotions and ended in a good mood.