Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Celebrating the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan


Kazakhstan is a multinational country, inhabited by more than 150 nations and nationalities. To unite these peoples, the government of the country conducts various events, one of which is the celebration of the Day of Unity of the people of Kazakhstan.

The official day of the holiday is the 1st May . Today is a holiday of unity of all peoples living on the territory of  Kazakhstan. This bright spring holiday is held in every city of Kazakhstan, where parades and processions are held along the central streets of cities, as well as numerous entertainment events.

Since April 26, 2017 Aktobe  law  institute of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of  Kazakhstan named M.Bukenbaeva in conjunction with the municipal public institution “Kogamdyk  kelіsіm” public institution ” Aktobe oblast akim” held a solemn event dedicated to the Day of Unity of People of Kazakhstan. The event was held in the grand concert hall of the Municipal public institution ” Kogamdyk  kelіsіm” public institution “Apparatus of akim of  the  Aktobe region» with the participation of various diasporas, employees of the institute, children with SI “Alga regional children’s home” and MIA veterans. The total number of guests was more than 200 people.

At the beginning of the event with a solemn and congratulatory speech the head of the Aktobe  law   institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named M.Bukenbaeva Police Colonel Karakush S.I.

Further guests were full of concert performances, namely students 1 degree made a dance number “Kara zhorga biі” cadets 1st  year Sisenbay Sayran sang “Aikarakoz” with Kazakh folk Tatar diaspora made a soloist with the song “Tatar” and “Korkyt – Қobyz “Safina Elena, with Kazakhstan People’s Korean community by a group of ” A2F ” with the  dance number,” Fire “, with Tatar dance number” Yazgy monlar “acted cadets 1st course  Shayhieva degree Zarina, inspector educational department of the institute Police Lieutenant Eleusizov Bekzhan and representative of Tatar diaspora  Safina Elena sang the song “Kydyryp қaytayk”, soloists of the Kazakhstan People’s German community performed the song “This is Kazakhstan.” The final composition “Halkym-ai” was performed by the inspector of the State Language and Information Department of the Institute Zhalenova Akzhunis. This event was accompanied by a photo and video shooting by the Institute staff and a local television channel.

The culmination moment was a general photo with participants of the concert, children with State institution ” Alga regional children’s home ” and invited guests.

Of great importance was the fact that various cultural centers participated in the festival in order to acquaint the people of Kazakhstan with the traditions of other peoples.

This holiday not only acquaints the people of Kazakhstan with the traditions and culture of other nationalities living on the territory of the country, it is called to consolidate the nation into a single whole.

Inspector of the Department of Educational Work

Senior police lieutenant Sarkulov D.M.