Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Competition «Best teacher» among higher education institutions


October 5, 2018, the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service and anti-corruption in the Aktobe region held a competition «Best teacher» among teachers of higher educational institutions of Aktobe city.

The purpose of this competition was to reveal the key role of teachers in the formation of anti-corruption culture, as well as the cultivation of the image of an honest and incorruptible mentor.

According to the results of the competition first place took the senior lecturer of the Department of military and physical training of Aktobe Law Institute of MIA of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev, Police Senior Lieutenant, Med Aibek Kabashevich Kosmuratov, second place was taken by the Deputy manager of the Department of construction and exploitation of aircraft weapons of the Military Institute of air defense Forces named after twice hero of the Soviet Union, Talgat Bigeldinov, Police Colonel Nurtas Duisembaevich Nauryzbekov, third  place was taken by Dr. of  Medicine Sciences, Professor of West Kazakhstan medical University named after M. Ospanov Nadiya Malikovna Mavludova.

By results of competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan Agency for civil service and anti-corruption in the Aktobe region, Deputy Head of Department, head of the Secretariat of the ethics board Miramgul Malaevna Bibikova made a congratulatory speech and presented the diplomas.


Faculty instructor of the Institute military and physical training

Senior police lieutenant
