Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev together with the Military Institute of air defense Forces named after twice Hero Of the Soviet Union T. Y. Begeldinov on February 7, 2019 held an inter-university conference on a topic: «The role of peacekeeping soldiers in the Patriotic education of the younger generation», dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the withdrawal of a limited contingent of Soviet troops from the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the 150th anniversary of Aktobe city. This event was organized in the meeting room of the University library named after.S. Baisheva.
In work of conference took part higher-education teaching personnel and cadets of the two departmental educational institutions. The event was opened by the moderator- head librarian of the Military Institute of air defense Forces named after twice hero of Soviet Union T. Ya. Begeldinov V.Kriulina.
The reports were made by the cadets of the training group 302- I: and military Institute of air defense Forces named after twice Hero of Soviet Union T. Ya. Begeldinov Shanasil A. on a topic: «General characteristics of the Afghan war» and D.Dzhumagul on a topic: «Officer personnel of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan the participants of the Afghan war». From Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev were made by the cadets of the training group105:A.Aripkhan on a topic: «The role of peacekeeping soldiers in the Patriotic education of the younger generation» and Zh. Ibrahimova on a topic: « Patriotic education and internationalism in the younger generation.”
The next speaker was a veteran of the Afghan war, a retired Lieutenant Colonel Kurmanbai-Ali Taspaev. He wished the cadets patience in hard work, health, happiness and of course a peaceful sky over his head.
The results summarized from the Military Institute of air defense Forces named after twice hero of Soviet Union T. Ya.Begeldinov the head of the Department of ideological and military-рatriotic work, Lieutenant Colonel N.A. Saktaganov and faculty instructor of chair of social-humanitarian discipline G.N.Mukhidinova, from ALI MIA of the MIA of RK named after M. Bukenbaev, MEd,senior lecturer of the department of military and physical training, senior police lieutenant A. K. Kosmuratov.
The inter-university conference was held in the form of discussion and constructive dialogue, in a friendly and lively atmosphere and ended with memorable photography.
Senior faculty instructor military and physical education
senior police lieutenant