September 27, 2017 on the basis of the Aktobe Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, an inter-university educational and methodological collection “Sapaly bilim-zaman talaby” will take place with the participation of teachers of the Kazakh-Russian International University (KRIU), Military Institute of the Air Defense Forces named after T.Bigeldinov(MIADF), Aktobe University named after S.Baishev.
The working languages of this collection are Kazakh, Russian and English.
The address of the organizing committee: Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe, Kursant Highway-1, Aktobe Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev.
For more information you can contact us by phone:
+7 (7132) 98-80-37 (e-mail mail@aui-aktobe.kz)
Registration: 9: 00-9: 50 hours.
The beginning of the plenary session: 10:00
Requirements for the article:
An article with a volume of 5-8 pages should be typed in the format of the Microsoft Word editor; font Times New Roman – size 14; line spacing – 1,5; fields: left 2 cm, right – 2 cm, upper and lower 2 cm.
The first line – the surname and initials of the author (font bold italics), data on the scientific degree (if any), the name of the institution. The next paragraph should contain the title of the report in capital letters (font bold, centered) one interval after the second line. Below in 1 interval – the text of the article with a red line (see sample). References to published sources are indicated as they are mentioned in accordance with the applicable standards and are presented in the form of a list at the end of the article 1 interval from the main text with end-to-end numbering (1, 2 …). The reference sign in the text is made in figures in square brackets, where the number of the literary source is indicated, and the page number is indicated in the list of references eg [1].
The text is original and not editable. The author is responsible for the reliable and accuracy of the text.
Senior teacher-methodologist of EMC
captain of the police