Pursuant to the instructions of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan attract practitioners to conduct training sessions, as well as the work plan of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Aktobe Law Institute of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev 2017-2018 academic year, April 24, 2018, to attend the lectures of the course 1B 101-103 study groups on the subject “Psychology in the work of law enforcement officers” on the theme “The essence of religious extremism and terrorism. Preparation of policemen personnel to psychological confrontation in the fight against terrorism and religious extremism “was invited to the expert information and analytical center” Ansar “, theologian Zhumabaev Meyrambek Bakytovich.
At the lecture session the following issues were considered:
- The essence of religious extremism and international terrorism.
- Psychological characteristics of persons inclined to commit counter-legal acts of a terrorist and extremist nature.
- Psychological methods and methods of recruitment of persons into terrorist and extremist groups.
The purpose of his lecture with cadets was M.B. Zhumabaev put the formation of theoretical knowledge about the essence of religious extremism and international terrorism; formation and development of special skills and psychological readiness for confrontation in the fight against terrorism and religious extremism.
The lecture session aroused great interest among the cadets. At the end of the session the faculty and cadets expressed their gratitude for the participation of the practical worker in the class.
Senior Lecturer
Department of General Subject Disciplines
Major of Police Zhukaeva Zh.A.