On April 18, 2018, the department of the organization of research, editing and publishing work and the cadet scientific society of the Aktyubinsk law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, took part in the breakout session of the international scientific online conference “Actual problems of law enforcement activities of the internal affairs agencies” conducted by the Ural law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
At the beginning of the breakout session, the head of the department of criminology and the criminal-executive law, candidate of legal science, associate professor, colonel of the police Golubykh N.V. delivered an introductory speech from the Ural law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Senior Lecturer of the Department of criminology and penal enforcement law, lieutenant colonel of the police Alexander Pushkarev told about the procedures of the work. The Deputy Head of the Institute for the scientific work, candidate of legal science, lieutenant colonel Suleymanova G.Zh. delivered an introductory speech from the Aktyubinsk law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev. She thanked for the invitation, as well as for the cooperation between universities.
At the breakout session, the cadets from the 102st training group, Estaulethova A.M. made a presentation on the topic of “Attributes of the youth subculture as a factor of conducting extremism” and Kenebai T.B. on the topic of “Corruption and counteraction to corruption in Kazakhstan”. The supervisor of the presentations was a Head of the Department of the organization of research, editing and publishing work, lieutenant colonel of the police Karimbayeva A.K. There were discussed an issue of officers’ behavior in giving a bribe and conducted a comparative analysis between Russia and Kazakhstan.
The participants exchanged opinions, discussed actual problems and situations, and showed sincere interest to the topics mentioned above.
At the end of the breakout session, the results of the conference were summed up, suggestions on the further implementation of such events were made. Assistant on international cooperation to the Head of the Ural law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, lieutenant colonel Vasilyeva L.A. announced that our cadets would be awarded certificates for participation to the conference.
Head of the Department of the organization of research,
editing and publishing work
Karimbayeva A.K.