On 24th of April 2018, at 16:00 p.m. in Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev carried out an international scientific online seminar with Voronezh Institute of Interior Ministry of Russia on theme «Children and Internet: modern risks».
With a word of salutation appeared from Voronezh Institute of Interior Ministry of Russia assistant chief police lieutenant colonel E.A.Pastushkova., and from Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev deputy director of Institute, PhD in Law., police colonel G.Zh.Suleimanova., who mentioned close and effective cooperation of educational organizations. Moderator of this online seminar appeared the head of administrative job of the department of Internal Affairs in Voronezh Institute of Interior Ministry of Russia., PhD in Law., police Major K.D.Rydchenko.
In this online seminar from Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev delivered the reports teachers of general legal disciplines – police lieutenant colonel K.S.Suleimenov «Teen-ager: internet and safety», police Major M.D.Tuleshev
«Causes of juvenile crime occurrence» and police Major K.Erlanuly. «Children and internet: negative influence». As well as we listened to reports from the Head of administrative job of law enforcement community in Voronezh Institute of Interior Ministry of Russia PhD in Law, police Major K.D. Rydchenko., director of uncommercial partnership «Monitoring center» A.O.Levchenko., departmental manager of publicly funded national institution of Voronezh region «Center of psych-pedagogical promotion of children» A.A.Tokareva and senior inspector of middle office of Criminal Investigation Division of the Russian Federation in Voronezh region N.B.Vyalyx.
Participants discussed many questions, security related of under age from influence of harmful information on the Internet, safety control of underage on the Internet, with special aspects of law enforcement and parents in enforcement of the right of a child for information on the Internet, analyzed causes of juvenile crime occurrence. Given problem of online seminar denoted a hot discussion and profound interest among participants
Head of scientific research organization and publishing and editing operations department
Police lieutenant colonel