Faculty of professional and additional education – a weekly summary of the individual and group ratings on credit technology.
Makes a great contribution to the solution of the problem of providing law enforcement bodies with qualified specialists. In accordance with the Order № 565 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 05.10.2004 “On the organization of pilot courses for the initial training of candidates for service in internal affairs bodies for the posts of ordinary, junior and middle command staff”, the distance learning department was transformed into the Training Center for initial training of candidates for Posts of the average commanding staff.
In September 2011, the faculty of professional development was established as a structural subdivision of additional professional education on the basis of the Aktyubinsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since July 1, 2016, the faculty of advanced training has been renamed into the Faculty of Professional and Additional Education.
The activity of the faculty is to organize and conduct educational, methodical, scientific and educational process, to upgrade the qualifications of employees of law enforcement bodies, to retrain employees, as well as special initial training in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, “On Law Enforcement Service”, Ministry of Internal Affairs Republic of Kazakhstan № 422 of April 20, 2016 “On the approval of the content and rules for the implementation of vocational training, retraining and advanced training with Employees of the internal affairs agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan “, Order No. 187 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 26.04.2011” On approval of the rules for the passage of special initial training for first-time admirers to the Internal Affairs Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan for rank of junior and middle command staff “and other normative documents .
The aim of the faculty is to train highly qualified personnel, combining a high general culture, professional competence, civic maturity and readiness to protect constitutional rights and individual freedoms, and the interests of the state.
The main objective of the faculty is to continually replenish and update the professional knowledge of employees, acquire new skills and skills for the successful implementation in the practical activities of law enforcement.