Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Prize of the Head of the Institute


December 21, 2018 in Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after .M. Bukenbaev among courses took place games«Zhaidarman» for the Cup of Head of the Institute, dedicated to «20-th anniversary of Astana city» and proclaiming 2019 – the Year of youth, on theme «Youth is our future».
In games took part teams of 1 A, 1 B, 2A courses – «It’s my fault, I will improve», «1 B», «Champions». Games «Zhaidarman» consisted of III rounds – «Greeting», «Five news», «Homework».
The jury consisted of — senior teacher trainer of professional and additional education department, police Major Duisen Toleuovich Tuleuov, a member of the Veterans Council, police Colonel in retirement Sanabai Rzabekovich Rzabekov, senior lecturer of faculty of intramural study, Police Major Darkhan Zhaugashtaevich, Deputy head of the Department of General education discipline, police Lieutenant Colonel Almat Abatovich Salimov, head of general library Zinegul Nurtaevna Karasaeva. Secretary-inspector-psychologist of the Department of educational work, police Lieutenant Madina Rasulovna Islamgalieva
According to the results of the competition and by the decision of the jury the III medal place took team of 1 B course – «1 B», II medal place — took team of 1 A course – «It’s my fault, I will improve », I medal place took team of 2 A course the «Champions». In the nomination «Best player» is recognized the student of the 1 B course — Nurdastan Alibekovich Zhusubekov.

The Head of the Institute handed cups, diplomas and valuable gifts to all teams.
Inspector of Educational work department
Police Captain