In the course of scientific-basic research of educational discipline department
of Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev on 25th of October 2018 carried out training workshop on theme «Forms and methods of work on coping with problems of occupational hazard of law enforcement officials».
An open speech of event started deputy manager of Institute, candidate of Juridical Sciences, police colonel G.Zh.Suleimanova.
In training workshop took part psychologists of Specialized Service Security Management of Aktobe region, National Guard, Military Institute of Air Defense Forces named after double hero of the Soviet Union T.Begeldinova, as well as management of Institute’s departments.
The main aim of business event execution — is preparation of methodological recommendations on prophylaxis of occupational hazard of law enforcement officials.
In forepart of training workshop the Head of educational discipline department, Candidate of pedagogic sciences police colonel A.F.Satarova articulate the concept of term «occupational hazard», denoting presumable forms of personality change, apparent in violation of office discipline and law, anti-corruption legislation and burnout in terms of carried out research, in doing so in dialogue mode of each participant according to type of employees occupational hazard entrusted to them subdivision.
In the second part on basis of psychological profile of law enforcement official the participants provided to formulate recommendations on prophylaxis of occupational hazard which will be back-scattered in report of scientific basic research department.
In conclusion the participants were awarded with letters of appreciation for active participation in work of training workshop.
Senior teacher of educational discipline department
Police Major