Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the international scientific-practical conference
Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaeva on November 17, 2017 holds an international scientific and practical conference on the theme: “Improving the activities of law enforcement agencies in the light of modern realities.”
The conference can be attended by prominent scientists, scientists, law enforcement personnel, specialists and experts, teachers and legal scholars of Russian and foreign higher educational institutions.
The work of the conference is planned in the following main areas:
- Legal aspects of improving administrative activities in law enforcement.
- Current trends and problems of the implementation of criminal law and criminal executive policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries. Prevention of violations of law enforcement agencies.
- Modernization of modern pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases and ways to improve the effectiveness of disclosure and investigation of crimes.
- Improvement of special and physical training of law enforcement officers.
- Legal education and language culture of a lawyer, taking into account modern realities.
- State-legal and civil-law activities.
The working languages of the conference are Kazakh, Russian and English.
The submitted materials will be published before the conference starts.
Conditions of participation: for participation in the conference it is necessary not later
September 15, 2017 to send to the organizing committee an application (a sample application is attached) and text on paper and electronic media.
Participants of the conference are published free of charge.
Requirements for the article:
An article with a volume of 5-8 pages should be typed in the format of the Microsoft Word editor; Font Times New Roman-skeleton 14; Line spacing – 1,5; Fields: left, right, upper and lower by – 2 cm. Footnotes must be set automatically (Alt + ctrl + f).
The first line is the initials and surname of the author (s), position, title, academic degree, (participation in one report or communication of more than three authors is not welcome), through the line organization, city, e-mail of the author (s).
From the top center – the title of the report in capital letters without transfer, bold;
Next through the line is the text of the article. Availability of the list of literature is required. Do not put the transports. Materials should be carefully edited in compliance with all requirements. The articles that do not correspond to the stated subject of the conference, the requirements for registration and submitted to the organizing committee after the deadline (until September 15, 2017), are not included in the conference proceedings and authors are not returned. Materials will be published in the author’s edition.
Application for participation
Surname, name, patronymic of the author ___________________________________
Position, place of work _________________________________________________
Academic degree, academic title __________________________________________
Special (military) title __________________________________________________
Name of the institution _________________________________________________
Address and postal code of the institution ___________________________________
Subject of the article ___________________________________________________
Section name _________________________________________________________
Form of participation (full-time / part-time) _________________________________
Do you need multimedia accompaniment (if yes, which one) ___________________
Contact telephones, e-mail. mail __________________________________________
No abbreviations and abbreviations are allowed in the Application.
Applications received by the Organizing Committee after the deadline are not considered, the materials of the reports are not published.
Payment for travel, accommodation, meals is made at the expense of the participants of the conference.
Organizing committee address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Aktobe, cadet
Highway – 1, Aktobe Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of RK named after M. Bukenbaeva. For additional information you can contact us by phone:
+7 (7132) 98-80-37. (E-mail: ooniirir@yandex.ru; rina_okp@mail.ru)