Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Competitions in mini-football among the permanent and variable composition of the Institute


According to the plan of the institute’s activities on the eve of the celebration of May 1 – the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Kazakhstan and the 25th anniversary of the Kazakh police on the sports ground of the ALI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, mini-football competitions among variable members were held on April 24, and permanent staff on April 27 this year. At the competitions among the variable composition, 4 teams participated. According to the results of the competitions, the 1st place was taken by the Dynamo team, the 2nd place was won by the Sunkar team, the 3rd place was taken by the Kiran team.

Akmurzaev Akylbek Smagulovich, cadet of 104 training group Alimov Ersin Berikovich, “Best Goalkeeper” cadet of 103 training groups Kurmangali Nurlan Rishatovich, also scored in the nominations “Best Attacker”.

As for the permanent composition, the competition was attended by 7 teams. According to the scored points, the team “Arlan” left the team, the 2nd place was the team “Astana”, the 3rd place was the “Dynamo” team. In the nominations “Best striker” – the player of the Dynamo team won – the senior police lieutenant Nurzhanov Salamat Bogdavletovich, the “Best defender” – the player of the team “Spartak” – the senior lieutenant of the police Kosmuratov Aybek Kabashovich and the “Best goalkeeper” – the player of the team “Arlan” Major of Police Mineidarov Sagintai Mukhitovich. The players of each team showed great will to win the competition.

 Nurshaev M.D.

Head of Department of Military

and physical training

Colonel of the police