Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Unity of theory and practice


According to the plan to attract practical workers to conduct classes by the senior teacher of the CPL department, lieutenant colonel of the police A.K Karimbaeva. On April 17 and 25, 2017, 2 lecture sessions on the discipline “Civil Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan” were planned and conducted on the following topics: – “The concept and essence of the proceedings. Claim in the Civil Process “with the participation of Judge of the Court of the City of Aktobe Alekhenova G.T. and “The initiation of a civil case in court.” Preparation of the case for trial. Proceedings of civil cases in the court of first instance “with the participation of the judge of the Court of Aktobe, Abdraeva A.N.

Lectures were conducted for students of the 1st course – 103 and 104 platoons.

The purpose of the lectures: the formation of cadets knowledge of new trends in the organization of the activities of the justice system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in particular, related to the introduction of the new Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Familiarization with the types of proceedings in the court of first instance, the features of the lawsuit; Concept, elements and types of lawsuit, the procedural order of initiating a civil case in court, as well as with the purpose, tasks and order of procedural actions carried out both during the preparation of the case for trial and during the trial in the court of first instance.

The training sessions consisted of two parts. In the first part of the session, Lieutenant Colonel A.K. Karimbaeva, The purpose of the lesson was clarified, the questions of the lecture, the purpose of attracting and presenting the guest were raised, and the main lines of activity of the courts of first instance in the consideration and resolution of civil cases were clarified, because most of the claims of interested persons were derived from disputes over the law.

The second part of the lecture classes took place in the format of lecture-conversation. The audience actively asked questions to the lecturers of A.T. And Abdraeva A.N.

The students were interested in issues of the implementation of judicial protection of subjective rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, state and public interests in the process of judicial proceedings in civil cases. In particular, questions were raised regarding the three types of proceedings in the court of first instance, according to which the consideration and settlement of civil cases is carried out in full court proceeding: the lawsuit; Special litigation; Special production. Some problems and contradictions were revealed, which aroused interest and discussion in the hall.

Lecturers cited many examples from judicial practice on the protection of subjective rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations, state and public interests, etc.

Lectures were listened to by the audience with great interest. The cadets received full answers to all the questions posed.

Lectures were read emotionally and intelligibly and, in this connection, had a great educational effect. Practitioners’ speech was aimed at persuading cadets to actively master knowledge, as long as they have the opportunity, conditions and time.

In general, the experience of involving practical workers in conducting training sessions gives positive results. Cadets show a great interest in such activities, which, in turn, contribute to the formation of an increased interest in the studied science, future professional activity, correct civic position and high consciousness.

Karimbaeva A.K. Senior lecturer of the General

Disciplines of the Aktobe  Juridical Institute

MIA of the Republic of  Kazakhstan

named after M. Bukenbaev  Lieutenant colonel