On February 25, 2017, the first session of the Civic Scientific Society (CSW) was held among first-year cadets. The scientific staff of the department of the organization of research and editorial and publishing work explained what the CSW is, its goals and objectives. During the discussion, the cadets chose a chairman, two deputies, a technical secretary and CSW members. As a result of the voting, the chairman was selected as cadet 104 platoon, private police Tansykov T., first deputy – cadet 104 platoon, ordinary police Umarov D., second deputy – cadet 101 platoon, ordinary police Abdrazak S., secretary – cadet 103 platoon, rank-and-file Police Gabdullina A.
The CSW also included cadets: 104 platoons – ordinary police Uteshev T., ordinary police Elipova M., ordinary police Iskakov A. and 103 platoons – ordinary police E.Zhabaikhanov, private police Zhunusova D.