Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Round table discussion: “Counteraction to religious extremism in the Republic of Kazakhstan (social and legal aspects)”


February 24, 2017 in the Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, a round table was held on the theme: “Counteraction to religious extremism in the Republic of Kazakhstan (social and legal aspects).”

This event was conducted in the framework of the exploratory scientific topic “Religion and security (concept and modern problems)” researched by the faculty of the institute from 2017 to 2019, in fulfillment of the commission of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayeva Dariga Nursultanovna on the implementation of scientific research within the priority Directions “National Security and Defense”, as well as according to the work plan of the Department of Operational Investigative Activity of the Institute.

The head of the educational work of the Education Department of the Aktobe region Beksengaliev S.A, the head of the analysis and monitoring department of the Ansar Information and Analytical Center, the theologian Razakov N.Sh., the senior detective of the Department of International Terrorism and Religious Extremism Aktobe region, the captain of national security Sattarkulov S.T, the head of the department of juvenile police of the Local Police Service of the Department of Internal Affairs of Aktobe  region Major Kurmanbekova police L.B, head of the Department of Socio-Political Disciplines of the K. Zhubanov ARSU, Ph.D. Sarsenbin U.K., as well as the leadership and faculty of the Institute.

The work of the round table was conducted in the form of speeches, answers to questions, discussions.