Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

The relay race of the 28th World Winter Universiade 2017 in the city of Aktobe


Universiade – international sports competitions among students, conducted under the auspices of the International Federation of Student Sports (IFSS). Students, graduate students and graduates of the previous Universiade of graduation from the age of 17 to 28 years are allowed to participate in competitions.

Kazakhstan began participating in the Universiade since 1993. During these years, more than 700 athletes took part, 125 medals were won.

In the Winter Universiade competitions in Almaty 2000 athletes from more than 55 countries will take part.

The relay race of the Winter Universiade 2017 in Aktobe started on January 27 at 10:00. The solemn event was organized near the Zhubanov University. The Universiade 2017 Torch Relay is a unique concept that has no analogues in the history of the Universiade. The fire originated in 16 regions, and after passing the Relay race to the regional center will be delivered to Almaty. The fire will overcome the route of more than 22,500 kilometers: 200 kilometers covered by torchbearers.

60 torchbearers of the city of Aktobe moved along the central streets of our city. In the park of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan there is a large monitor, according to which the townspeople watched what was happening. Each of the torchbearers ran 200 meters, so the distance of the entire relay race, as in other regions, was 12 kilometers.

The honorable fire of the Universiade was safely delivered to the President’s Park.

As a result of the selection, 4 cadets of 1 course of the Aktyubinsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev were included in the number of torchbearers:

  1. Hamza Kazybek Rzatayuly;
  2. Bekbolat Ryskeldy Dosmuratuly;
  3. Zhanibekov Ayan Suleimenly;
  4. Sakauov Aydin Nurlanuly.

The students of the Aktobe  Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev have the honor and the inherent pride in carrying the torch of the Universiade. They have a special mission to be the Universiade Ambassador – 2017. It should be noted that this is not just a short-term title for the competition. The main goal of the torchbearers is to convey to the people of Kazakhstan all the importance of sport and a healthy lifestyle, and also to tell the outside world about Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is developing dynamically, and the fact that such important events as the Universiade and EXPO are held in the country speak for themselves. The natural desire of citizens to help their country resulted in a whole volunteer movement.

According to the torchbearers Khamza K.R, Bekbolat R.D, Zhanibekov A.S And Sakauov A.N. the form is very beautiful, colorful, comfortable and the fact that it will remain as a gift to them as a memory, to which all are very happy, this is a pleasant bonus for their efforts.

Inspector of the Department of Educational Work Senior Lieutenant of Police

Sarkulov D.M.