Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Veteran lives next


On the eve of the May 9 celebration, «the Day of the Great Victory», the head of the Aktobe  Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, the colonel of the police Karakushev S.I congratulated on his behalf and on behalf of the staff of the institute the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Mr. Shaydulla.

Shegdaliyev Shaydulla was born on March 14, 1925 in the village of Akbulak, Orenburg region.

In 1943, in March, he was drafted to the front. March 2 of the same year was enlisted in the 13th brigade of the 61st regiment of a tank company-a machine gunner. After 5 months he took part in the liberation of Ukraine, Latvia and Lithuania.

August 12, 1944, injured in the city of Kenigsberg, was hospitalized in the Novosibirsk hospital. At this time, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War lives with his daughter and grandchildren.

The minutes held near the participant of the Great Patriotic War are, in their own way, valuable for everyone. For all of us is no longer just a visit, it is a tradition, it is a duty, it is, in the end, a tribute of respect and memory to all those who fought for a clean, peaceful sky above our heads, to all who have not lived to this day and those to whom We can personally thank you on this day.

Kazhgaliyev Shaydulla passed through the difficult years of the war, saw death, loss, tears … But today, before his eyes, there were only tears of joy and happiness. Tens of years after the war, he is gratefully greeted with warm words, which are perceived with special emotional trembling.

We remember our veterans and appeal to all with such a wish:

Thank you very much!

Thank you for peace throughout the world,

For every fight that fell on the heart of a scar,

For what you did to repel the war!

We wish you health, for many years,

Hope in the heart, and in the soul of spring,

So that your grandchildren, children,

So that in the world there was no more war!

Inspector of the DIA

st. Lieutenant of police Sarkulov D.