Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Tribute and respect to the veteran of the Great Patriotic War


On May 6, 2017, the head of the Aktobe  Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, the police colonel Karakushev S.I. on the eve of the “Day of the Great Victory” he congratulated on behalf and on behalf of the personnel of the Institute of the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Didenko Mikhail Ivanovich.

Through the years, war speaks to us! A veteran from Aktobe, who participated in the liberation of  Belarus, dreams of  bowing to the graves of killed brother-soldiers and shaking hands with his front-line comrades. “Our brotherhood is fastened with blood,” said Mikhail Didenko.

Being a 17-year-old boy, he commanded machine-gun calculation and more than once watched death in person. On the front of Michael Didenko was called in May 44th. A native of the Kustanai region fought on the 3rd Belorussian Front as part of the Fifth Shock Army. He was baptized in the village of Zvat near Minsk.

And already in Vilnius he met his own brother, who, like him, took part in the war.

In soybean 92 years, Mikhail Ivanovich looks like a brave officer. In the mornings a veteran does gymnastics. Together with his “second” half lived a long and happy life. Now they are surrounded by loving children and the four great-grandchildren are growing up.

During the meeting with Mikhail Ivanovich, the head of the institute wished the veteran good health, a peaceful sky over his head and all earthly goods.

Time has its own memory – history. And that’s why the world never forgets about the tragedies that rocked the planet in different epochs. Many years have passed since the Second World War ended, but its echo still does not subside in people’s souls. We do not have the right to forget the horrors of the war, we do not have the right to forget those soldiers who died so that we now live. Every spring the people of Kazakhstan live on the eve of the brightest holiday, the Day of the Great Victory. It was hard, it was very difficult for our people. There is no family that war would not touch.

We bow our heads low before the blessed memory of the fallen, before the courage and heroism of our dear veterans. Let their life be long, and health – strong!

Inspector of the DEW

The police lieutenant Sarkulov D.