Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Tournament of young debaters


June 7, 2017 On the basis of the Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.M. Bukenbaeva, the educational and methodological center together with the faculty of full-time studies and the planning, coordination and control department conducted a debating tournament among 1st-year cadets on the topic: “25 Years of Kazakhstan Police”.

The goal is to identify the intellectual and creative potential of young people in the context of globalization, improve and enrich the national spirit, develop a sense of patriotism and strengthen friendship among cadets, call for active participation in public life, and resolve urgent issues.

In the tournament, only 2 teams of 5 people took part, which were presented by cadets of the 1st year of the 101 training group.

Tournament Resolutions:

  • Positive evaluation of the trilingualism in the country;
  • New ways of updating the methodology of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan were proposed;
  • Programs to combat Internet addiction among young people of Kazakhstan were offered.
  • As a result of the debates tournament participants were awarded valuable prizes and wished them good luck and victories!

Turebekov E.

Senior teacher-methodologist DMQCE

police Major