Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Holding competitions in volleyball


About holding competitions in volleyball in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Kazakh police Among the permanent and variable composition of the Institute

In the period from 05 to 06 June 2017 according to the plan of the main activities of the Institute for 2017. In the sports complex of the Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. M. Bukenbaeva held a volleyball tournament, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Kazakh police among the permanent and variable composition of the institute. The competition was attended by 64 employees in 8 teams.

The following teams took part in the tournament:

  1. The Arlan team.
  2. The team “Namys”.
  3. The team “Spartacus.”
  4. The team.” Dynamo”
  5. The team.” Berkut”
  6. The team “Astana”.
  7. The command “Kamal”.
  8. The team “Әdiskerler.” The age of participants is unlimited. The games were held at a good organizational level and were exciting until the very end.

As a result of the struggle, the seats were distributed as follows:

The 1st place was occupied by the team – Spartak (Military and Physical Training Department), 2nd place – Arlan (Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Criminal Process and Criminalistics), 3rd place – Astana (Institute management and personnel and educational work department);

Inspector of the EPW Group

Police lieutenant

Smagulova Sh.U.