Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Implementation of lectures on theme “Zero tolerance” to administrative offences among 9 classes of School № 41


According to the plan of organizational and practical measures for the formation of the principle of “zero tolerance” to offenses in society, the teacher of the Department of military and physical training, police Lieutenant O.N.Iztleuov  On September 26, 2018, carried out a lecture with students of the ninth grade of secondary school  №. 41 on theme:  “Prevention of juvenile delinquency in the streets and in public places” and booklets were distributed among students.

   At the end of the lecture, students asked their questions, where they received answers from teacher in the form of detailed and extensive information.

 Faculty instructor

of military and physical training 

Police lieutenant
