Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Project «National safety»


On 26th of October 2018 mobile team, originating as part of approved by Akim of Aktobe region B.M.Saparbayev project «National safety» in aid of President’s message explanation arrived for a meeting with employees and cadets of Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev.
Mobile team consists of – akim of «Almaty region» of Aktobe city A.A. Alimbaev, merited leader of the Republic of Kazakhstan E.Zh.Kurmanbek, professor, candidate of economic sciences K.E.Mambetov, departmental manager of non-commercial fund of Aktobe regional branch «Fund of compulsive social medical care insurance»S.K. Ongar, senior lector of Aktobe Regional State University named after M.Zhubanov Zh.E.Imanshiev and group leader- department manager of internal politics B.S.Aidosov.
During the meeting panel members in detail explained the President’s message and answered to questions accurately and in concrete terms.

Inspector of educational work department
Police captain