Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

“We remember…”


February is traditionally the month of the beginning of military-patriotic work in the Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev. All events held from this period of time are timed to February 15 – the Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

The Department of Military and Physical Training is actively working in this direction: holding meetings with participants of combat operations, curatorial hours, reviewing the structure and songs, preparing a concert program.

This time on February 12, 2017 the captain of the police Suleimenov N.K. Together with the 11th platoons of a special initial training course, honored the memory by laying wreaths at the monument to the dead wars in Afghanistan. Attending were the internationalist wars Gameev Gumer Abduvalievich and Zhenalin Serik Zholamanovich.

On February 14, 2017, the department of the WIFP together with the department of educational work and the department of scientific research and editorial-publishing work conducted a round table with the invitation of the veterans of the Afghan war Galeev Gumer Abduvalievich, the founder of the Aktobe  region  Fund “Combat Brotherhood”, a participant in local wars, Koilibaev Marat Aytuganovich, Sports club “Er-Bakyt” veteran of Afghan events, Ashikbaev Alikhan Ertaevich – consultant of Aktobe city branch of “Nur Otan” party, Alpysbaev Islam Sovetovich, the chief specialist of the internal policy department of the city of Aktobe, as well as Kim Vladimir Sergeevich, who sang songs about the Afghan war of his own work.

We called our meeting “We remember …”. This is exactly because we remember those who fought in Afghanistan, in other “hot spots”, who won the Great Patriotic War. “We remember …”, because the memory of the deceased is sacredly preserved by their comrades in arms, their families and relatives. Veterans of all wars will live in our memory, while we talk about this, while we remember it.

The listeners learned many interesting facts from the history of the Afghan war. With special trepidation and attention they listened to stories of veterans, considered documentary films about this war.

During the meeting, a photo slide was viewed with a demonstration of monuments to the internationalist wars that perished in Afghanistan, which are installed in all the cities of our Kazakhstan. The students of the course of special initial education came from different cities of our country and some of them do not know about the existence of monuments to Afghan soldiers in their city …

It’s been 28 years since the end of the Afghan war. But for the participants this day has become an eternal Day of Remembrance.

At the end of the meeting, guests were presented with memorable gifts.

Senior Personnel Inspector

The captain of the police Suleimenov N.K