According to the plan of scientific research and developmental works in Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev the Department of criminal process and criminalistics held a round table discussion on theme: «Topical issues in the commissioning of forensic examination and view of corpse», where took part: the forensic expert of the premium quality of the Center of forensic examination Zulfiya Shynbolatovna Aizhanova, professor Orynbasar Nauryzgalievich Turebaev , the higher-education teaching personnel of the department, and cadets of 1-2 courses. The moderator of the round table discussion was senior lecturer of the Department of criminal process and criminalistics, police Major A. S. Taishibaeva.
Opening the work of the round table discussion, professor, post doctoral degree in medicine O.N. Turebaev emphasized that forensic examination is one of the institutions of evidence law and is of great importance in the consideration of civil, criminal and administrative cases, and also affects the adoption of legal decisions on cases. In this regard, he expressed gratitude to the leadership of the Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev for the initiative in carrying out this event. Professor O.N.Turebaev also told the cadets about one of the examinations conducted by him on the high profile matter, illustrating clearly demonstrating the exhibit — skull, which quicken interest in and interest among the cadets.
In his speech, the forensic expert of the premium quality Z.SH. Aizhanova presented a detailed analysis of the Centre of forensic examination on carrying out legal forensic studies, appointed by the determination of Aktobe city. Indicated that not less important aspect is also the correctness of the procedural implementation of the judges ‘ definitions in a part of status indication, type of research and other data.
The higher education teaching personnel of the Department in the reports highlighted the most common issues that arise in the production of inspection of the crime scene investigation and the corpse, especially the tactics of inspection, as well as problematic issues in the appointment of various types of medico-legal research.
This scientific event was held at a high organizational level, all reports and speeches were within the stated theme of scientifically based. The participants actively discussed the reports and asked questions. The round table discussion was held in the form of discussion and constructive dialogue, in a friendly and lively atmosphere.
Senior faculty instructor
of criminal process and criminalistics department
Police Major