Aktobe law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev

Guessing game «The great names of the great steppe»


December 27, 2018 in Aktobe law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M. Bukenbaev, members of the Cadet scientific society (CSS), within the framework of the President’s message of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev «Seven sides of the great steppe», was a quiz called «The Great names of the great steppe». Three teams participated in this quiz: «Senior Juz», «Middle Juz» and «Junior Juz». Each team had to reveal historical and cultural features of juzes of the Kazakh people. The quiz consisted of 2 rounds, including several stages:
Round 1:
1) juz’s greeting;
2) slides, describing the history and life of juz;
3) hot-seat questions for each team.
As a musical pause was performed the song «Tugan Zher» (Native land) by the cadet of 1 «B» course Nurlan Asem.
After a musical pause, the jury asked questions related to the formation of the three juzes, as well as pointed out the downsides of the participants.
Round 2:
1) «the competition of the khans»;
2) monologue;
In the form of homework three teams, united, performed with a stage item that demonstrated the rule of the Kazakh khans headed by each Juz, than wanted to convey the unity and indivisibility of the Kazakh people.
As a result of the competition, the 1 st place took the team of «Middle Juz», the 2nd place team of «Junior Juz» and the 3rd place took team of «Senior Juz».
This guessing game was organized in order to form students ‘ interest in the history of their homeland, strengthen the sense of patriotism, as well as increase the cognitive activity of the participants of the guessing game.

Scientific employee of scientific research organization and editing and publishing operations department