On November13, 2018 training center, the faculty of resident training
And department of monitoring and quality control training of Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev within a framework of research and development project «Improvement of teaching and learning process on credit technology in higher education institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan» carried out round table discussion.
Moderator of this roundtable discussion appeared senior teacher of training center of Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after M.Bukenbaev, Police Captain R.B.Moldybaeva.
In roundtable discussion also took part the invited guests:
- Kairova Nellya Immuratovna— chairperson of legal studies of Kazakh Russian International University, Candidate of Juridical Sciences., professor.
- Suleimenova Kundyz Orynbasarovna— resource teacher of Aktobe regional State University named after K.Zhubanov.
- Shukurova Bibigaisha Maksutovna — head of a department of socio economic legal disciplines department of State Institution of Aktobe University named after S.Baishev, master of Economics.
- Aktailakova Gulmira Nurlanovna — director of register’s office and of students service center of State Institution of Aktobe University named after S.Baishev, master of Economics.
- Tleulina Zhemiskul Zheniskyzy — registrar of students service center and register’s office State Institution of Aktobe University named after S.Baishev, master of Economics.
The purpose of the roundtable discussion — is to reveal a wide range of opinions on improving credit technology in higher education from different points of view, discuss ambiguous and controversial issues related to training on credit technology in education, and come to a common opinion.
The conference discussed issues of academic mobility of cadets, the program «Platonus», its use in civil Universities of Aktobe, the rating of Faculty members, on making changes and additions to the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated this August 23, 2012 № 1080 «On Approval of State Compulsory Educational Standards of the Corresponding Levels of Education», on calculating the training load and etc.
At the end of the conference, participants were awarded certificates.
Senior teacher trainer of Teacher Resource Center
Police Captain